MA requires 12 credits of Continuing Education every 2 years to renew a salesperson or broker’s license.  The renewal date is your birthday!

The course outlines are approved by the Board of Registration, and they are all two (2) hours in length.  I have listed below the topics I feel comfortable covering, and each class is linked to the official published outline for reference

Make sure to always get your certificate after attending a continuing education class, this is your only record of completion and you may be required to provide them if audited by the Board of Registration when renewing your license.  But never send them unless requested!

If you are considering hiring me to bring CE classes to your office, and you do not have a school, this can be arranged as I work closely with an approved school in MA (Anita Hill Training Seminars)


Courses I am qualified to teach:

By category (courses listed by numbers can be found below)

Fair Housing

Agency Law

Environmental Issues in Real Estate

Real Estate Appraisal and Finance

Zoning and Building Codes

Property Tax Assessments and Valuations

Real Estate Board Regulations

Additional Courses

By course number: